• Zhong Cheng 2009 Spring Auction
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    ZHANG NIAN (1964-2016)

    Nest-Chinese Dream No.30


    Oil on Canvas

    Signed Zhang Nian both in Chinese and English, dated 2007

    Estimate TWD 240,000-400,000
    USD 7,270-12,120
    HKD 0-0

    Hammer Price TWD 259,600
    USD 7,963
    HKD 0


Illustrated:“WAIT Zhang Nian”, HuNan Fine Art Publishing House, Dec 2007, Page 134-135



Zhan Nian has always been known for his performance art, and his work has a clear sense of purpose and critique. From the 1989 conceptual “Egg Incubation” exhibited at China Avant-Garde Art Exhibition and the egg series that followed, to later series of works that have explored issues of the city, migrant workers, SARS, And the quest for the self, all express the interest that Zhang Nian feels for his surroundings and the experience of living. He is not the type of artist who reacts to life changes with existing pictorial styles, but rather he lives within and senses there changes in life, expressing his personal standpoint while also illustrating history. For Zhang Nian art is a kind of lifestyle, a way of life that consists of a search for meaning through time. 

Zhang Nian expresses the undividable relationships between individuals and group, democracy and nations. Zhang Nian’s bird nest and egg carry a direct relation with hatch, which is a realization of what Zhang Nian makes metaphor for ecology. Moreover, Zhang’s art also explains that he and his other co-generations artists put their hopes and dreams into art, waiting for bright future to come.

Excerpt from "The Forgotten Abyss Is Never without Lightning-Preface for Zhang Nian’s Works",  Lin Wang

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